Monday, June 10, 2013

Week 11 - Holly Spirit is Awesome!

Hey ya'll! 

So guess what! We have another awesome investigator! She is so sweet! She came to church on Sunday and could only stay for Sacrament and Gospel Principals but it was still such a blessing to have her there and she said she had some big questions answered so it was incredible!

AND Amazing Amanda was at church this Sunday as well! For ALL THREE hours! She enjoyed it and I cant even tell you how inspiring she is. She just gets it! Things that take members years to apply to their lives shes already doing and seeing the change. She is truly a prayer being answered for so many people! I am so grateful for her! 

So one thing when sharing the gospel is that you HAVE to have the spirit with you. Obviously, and we get so almost "used" to it as missionaries but it really does protects us. Like a while ago we were going to visit a potentials house and it was night but not dark yet and we walked in to the apartment building (which was kinda sketch anyways at this time of day) and as soon as we got in a little ways we both had this super strong feeling to leave. Its like I heard someone say "leave now!" But a whisper inside. We don't know why we were supposed to leave, we just know that nothing good would have happened if we had stayed. So moral of the story. BE WORTHY OF THE COMPANIONSHIP OF THE HOLY GHOST AT ALL TIMES! 

I love all of you and the letters and emails you send and write! thank you so much!

Sister Petersen 

Sister Jordyn Kealoha Lani Petersen 
California Los Angeles Mission
1591 E. Temple Way
Los Angeles, CA 90024-5801

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